Disabled athletes sign up for marathon

Disabled athletes sign up for marathon

The Standard Chartered Jersey Marathon on Sunday 8 October is the first in the Island for over 20 years.

It will include a marathon relay staged by the Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled, which will be completed on the same day as the main marathon and relay to raise money for Headway Jersey and the bank’s Seeing is Believing charity.

During the relay, 26 disabled athletes will be positioned at one-mile intervals along the marathon course and assigned volunteer buddy runners.

A baton will be passed between all the athletes and they will each complete one mile of the full course.

A number of disabilities will be represented in the race, including those with learning difficulties, head injuries and wheelchair athletes.

Paul Patterson, chairman of the association, said that he was overwhelmed by the number of people in the organisation who wanted to be involved in the marathon and that there was a great deal of support for the relay team.

The youngest athlete taking part is 12 years old.

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