Work to be carried out on Jersey Airport’s runway

Jersey Airport The Runway Picture: TONY PIKE

During the first stage of the eight-week programme, which forms part of an ongoing maintenance plan, a ‘mid-life health check’ will be carried out on the runway substructure.

This will involve specialist engineering design and planning company, AECOM, drilling into the surface to test its viability.

A GPR survey of the runway will also be undertaken, by using radar pulsar to image the subsurface.

The second stage of the work will see Rhinophalt – a type of asphalt preservation material – being laid along the entire length of the runway to provide sufficient friction to allow larger aircraft to land in the future, while ensuring continuing compliance with international safety standards.

Remarking of runway lines will also take place.

All the work will be carried out after the Airport closes at 9.30pm and will finish before operations start at 6am the following day.

Work is to take place each night, except Sunday, unless there are unforeseen circumstances.

Ports of Jersey say that the programme will not affect the provision of emergency flights which may be needed outside normal Airport operating times.

Robin MacRae, airport director, said: ‘While the current runway is safe for daily operation, we have to undertake this essential work to ensure that it continues to meet the safety requirements both now and in the future.

‘Work needs to be undertaken overnight so as not to impact upon our usual daytime operations and at this time of the year when we expect drier and warmer weather conditions for the materials being laid to dry sufficiently. ‘Rest assured that every measure will be taken by our contractors to ensure noise levels and inconvenience is kept to a minimum.’

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