New neighbourhood improvement area for St Helier


RESIDENTS are being asked their views on a proposed “Neighbourhood Improvement Area” on Poonah Road and Pomona Road which St Helier’s Constable says could be a “blueprint for similar investment” in town.

Constable Simon Crowcroft identified several potential areas for “public realm enhancements” in 2022.

New proposals for Poonah and Pomona Road include more green space and bins, wider pavements, better walking and cycling amenities and traffic-calming measures.

Improvements are subject to funding being secured, and parishioners will decide whether to back the scheme at a Parish Assembly on 10 July.

The proposals aim to “reduce the dominance of the road and traffic, creating more pedestrian space of a higher quality and introduce green infrastructure wherever possible” on Pomona Road.

On both streets, “heritage street lighting” is proposed with “a warm light colour” and hanging baskets with an automatic irrigation system.

Signs at the entrances of the roads will also mark it as a neighbourhood.

Mr Crowcroft said: “I hope parishioners take the opportunity to review the plans and I would like to reassure you that the scheme will not affect access to anyone’s property.

“I am hopeful that this scheme will provide the blueprint for similar investment around our town.”

The plans can be viewed online at:

They will also be on show at the Town Hall’s customer services department until 23 June.

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