Jersey teachers offered new pay deal

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TEACHERS have been offered an improved pay deal as the new government attempts to settle a long-running dispute.

A letter from Chief Minister Lyndon Farnham, chair of the States Employment Board, which has been circulated to union leaders and teachers outlines the new proposals.

While the 2024 pay offer of an 8% increase remains unchanged, proposed rises equivalent to inflation for 2025 and 2026 have been increased to a figure of 1% above inflation.

A one-off payment of £1,000 to each teacher has now been increased to £1,500, subject to collaboration between teachers and the Education Department in supporting strategic plans for education reform.

The previous pay offer was rejected by members of the National Education Union in December, but then accepted by members of the other main teaching union, the NASUWT shortly before Christmas.

Before the vote of no confidence in former Chief Minister Kristina Moore, NEU members were angered to receive a letter from the States Employment Board on 11 January stating that the new pay deal would be imposed on all teachers, unless individuals responded to turn it down by 1 February.

The new government has wasted little time in seeking to resolve the dispute, with the letter stating that “as ever in negotiations, both parties seek a mutual position of benefit and understanding”.

If accepted, the one-off payment will be made to teachers on 29 February, the letter confirms. Teaching unions are now likely to canvass the views of members prior to responding to the new offer.

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