Jersey Electricity: Some repairs could take “several days”

JE chief executive Chris Ambler Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (36929098)

SOME of the repair work needed to address “considerable” damage done to Jersey Electricity’s infrastructure by Storm Ciarán could take several days to complete.

In a statement issued on Friday afternoon, the utility company said that, while the overall network had “coped well” with the challenging conditions, repairs were still needed to a number of overhead lines brought down by the storm.

Staff have been working to repair the damage, but JE has said that some repairs could take “several days” to complete.

JE chief executive Chris Ambler said: “The amount of damage Storm Ciarán has caused is considerable. We are using every asset and facility available to us to safely complete repairs as soon as possible.

“However, some repairs may take several days, and we understand that customers without power need certainty and practical support.

“Where necessary, we are arranging temporary accommodation in hotels to ensure customers have access to essential supplies. We appreciate many people who are off power will be receiving practical support from friends and family for which we are grateful.”

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