Three men sentenced for fight outside St Helier nightclub

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (34438619)

THREE men involved in a fight outside a St Helier nightclub have been fined.

Paulo Figueira (20), Edwon Ascencao (21) and Pascual Angel (26) appeared separately in the Magistrate’s Court and pleaded guilty to a single assault charge for their involvement in the incident.

Legal adviser Harrison Gollop, prosecuting, told the court that Ascencao and Angel were ejected from Havana nightclub and separated shortly after midnight on 22 May following an altercation between the pair.

Mr Gollop said Angel and one of his friends then approached Ascencao, who was with Figueira standing near the entrance queue to the nightclub.

CCTV footage played in court showed Ascencao and Figueira starting a physical altercation with Angel and another man, which spilled out onto the middle of Bath Street.

The court heard Ascencao attempted to kick Angel, threw him to the ground and proceeded to elbow him while he was on the floor – leaving him with minor shoulder injuries.

On the opposite side of the street, Figueira threw a number of punches at the other man. He proceeded to check on Ascencao before returning to throw another punch at the man, leaving him with a black eye.

The fight was broken up by police officers who told the group to go home in separate directions. However, Advocate Gollop explained that Angel waited around the corner for the pair, where he proceeded to slap Ascencao across the face. This was seen by officers and he was arrested.

Advocate James Bell, defending Ascencao, argued his actions were as a result of continued provocation from Angel and the other man once they were escorted out of the nightclub.

Ascencao, who is a fulltime construction worker, was fined £2,000 by Assistant Magistrate Peter Harris, who also warned him to be careful about how much he drinks on a night out.

Figueira, who works as an apprentice carpenter, was fined £1,400 for his involvement in the incident.

Advocate Gollop told the court that Angel’s involvement in the incident was much less serious and he was fined £400.

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