Teenage boy arrested after girl 'has cash and phone stolen' at St Helier cashpoint


A TEENAGE boy has been arrested after a girl allegedly had money stolen from her at a cashpoint in St Helier.

Three girls were at an ATM outside Lloyds Bank in Conway Street when they were approached by a boy and two girls.

The boy allegedly took one of the girl’s cash and phone – before smashing it on the ground.

The suspect was arrested on suspicion of larceny and malicious damage and has since been bailed pending further inquiries.

All those involved were aged around 14 and were known to each other ‘in some regard’, according to the States police.

The suspect is described as having ‘short dark hair, darker skin and is around 5ft 3in’ tall.

He was wearing a black tracksuit top and bottoms and black trainers.

Anyone with information about the incident, which happened at about 4.30pm on Friday 22 April, is being asked to phone the States police on 612612 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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