‘Local businesses – they really need all our help right now’

Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (32339141)

ISLANDERS should still try to shop in town and support local businesses even if they are working from home, the Assistant Economic Development Minister has said.

Deputy Kirsten Morel and town centre and events manager Connor Burgher have both urged shoppers to continue visiting St Helier despite new guidance coming into force today which requires people to wear masks in indoor public settings and advises Islanders to work from home where possible.

The changes were announced in response to the arrival of the highly contagious Omicron variant of Covid-19, with a large number of infections expected in the coming months.

Deputy Morel, who has previously encouraged Islanders to support locally owned businesses, said the new guidance could have an impact on the town economy.

He said: ‘I am concerned, because I think people being asked to work from home will reduce the amount of people in town, so it will hit both hospitality and retail. It was good they did not bring that request in until after December.’

Mr Burgher added: ‘I encourage people to follow the new guidelines. I hope the impact is not too severe on St Helier businesses and I hope there will be support given to businesses – such as cafés and restaurants – affected by people working from home.’

He added: ‘I would also encourage those who feel able to shop in town to continue doing so, as it is important to keep supporting our local businesses during this difficult period.’

Asked how quickly the new guidance could start affecting the town economy, Deputy Morel said: ‘If a shop is particularly close to the edge, then this could just push them over and you would see that immediately, but in the main I think this is something we will see have an effect over the coming year. Especially as we have inflation kicking in as well; I think that is going to make it difficult for shops and there is a lot of uncertainty in the year ahead.’

He also encouraged Islanders to continue shopping locally following the work-from-home guidance.

Deputy Morel said: ‘Wear your mask, but come into town. From what I have read, and I am always ready to be corrected – I do not like commenting too much on the health issues as it is not an area I am specialising in – but it seems like Omicron is not having the same effect here as previous variants. It does not seem quite as strong in terms of the harm it does individuals.’

He added: ‘I think people should still come into town, still go shopping, still support local businesses – they really need all our help right now.’

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