Deputy has offer to become assistant minister withdrawn ‘following call for transparency’

Deputy has offer to become assistant minister withdrawn ‘following call for transparency’

Deputy Kevin Pamplin said he was contacted by Health Minister Richard Renouf on Thursday to be offered an assistant minister role with responsibility for mental health, an offer which was later confirmed by the Chief Minister.

But when Deputy Pamplin emailed the minister to accept the post on Monday, he said he also offered his views on the need for the department to become more open in its communications, mentioning specifically what he said was its failure to make public the minutes of the latest STAC – the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell which is currently advising the government regarding Covid – meetings.

Some hours later, Deputy Pamplin said he received an email back from the minister withdrawing his offer to join the government and suggesting that he was best suited to his role on Scrutiny. ‘In response, they reconsidered,’ Deputy Pamplin said on Twitter yesterday.

‘I took careful time in my considering the offer and offered to take the same approach that I bring everyday into that role. And I respect that’s not something they could accept. So nothing changes other than my resolve has been strengthened to do my best for the Island and you all,’ he added.

Contacted by the JEP, Deputy Pamplin said that he did not wish to comment further because he wanted the minister and whoever was ultimately confirmed in the assistant minister role to be able to get on with their jobs without distraction. ‘I don’t want this to become about me,’ he said.

The assistant minister post is currently available after Senator Steve Pallet resigned in order to support the recent vote of no confidence in the Chief Minister.

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