Island stadium and sports hub under consideration

Island stadium and sports hub under consideration

The Government Plan was released last week, with an Island sports campus or hub among major projects listed.

Others include wider improvements to the ‘sporting estate and lifecycle planning’, as well as a netball facility.

If a business case is developed, funding and procurement will be addressed to move the projects forward.

Assistant Economic Development Minister Steve Pallett, who has responsibility for sport, said a lack of investment in the Island’s sports facilities over recent years meant a number of areas needed looking at.

He said all options were on the table, including the Island’s football and rugby sides ground-sharing at a facility that could also include netball. He added that the outcome of a review by consultants, which was being published later this year, would provide a clearer plan.

He also believes the Island needs two more 3G sports pitches to give more players access to facilities all year around.

He said: ‘There is a sports facility review that is being carried out by consultants looking at where there are shortfalls in facilities and where they could be met.

‘There is currently no agreed detail about where a sports hub would be cited.

‘Currently the consultants are looking at a possible co-location between the rugby and football clubs, which could be a sports stadium complex, so the most can be made of one facility.

‘That piece of work is currently being done by experts who are looking at where things should be sited, and netball comes into that review too because there is a shortage of a netball facility.’

Senator Pallett also reiterated that an imbalance of sports facilities and centres in the east of the Island needed to be addressed.

He believes in the past Jersey has suffered through a lack of sports strategy, and said the review from the consultants would help provide a better picture for the future.

He also revealed that private funding and trusts could be a way of managing some facilities.

He added: ‘We are a bit short of facilities in the east of the Island, but I think before anything is put forward or planned we need to know what is happening with Fort Regent.

‘All options are open when it comes to funding. Jersey has lacked from having a long-term sports strategy. There has been a lack of investment in facilities.

‘The review will highlight plans and it is up to the Council of Ministers to decide which areas should get funding.

‘Priorities, I think, are netball provision, as they are losing their home at Les Ormes, and gymnastics has never had a real home in Jersey, so that needs looking at.’

Within the government budget and plan for 2020 to 2023, £750,000 per year has been earmarked for the refurbishment of 3G pitches in the Island.

Currently there is one at Haute Vallée and another at the Springfield ground in St Helier.

Senator Pallett added: ‘3G pitches are vital because they offer people more chance to play sport all year around.

‘I think we could do with a couple more because that will give more opportunity to more people.

‘Also it brings with it a chance to increase revenue and that revenue can also be used to put into sinking funds to pay for the replacement of the pitches.’

Also within the government’s three-year budget plans, £4,705,000 has been earmarked for Le Rocquier School, with some of that money to be spent on sports facilities.

£800,000 has also been set aside for school field development at Grainville and St John.

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