Festive feast of music

The Jersey Island Singers and the Concordia ladies choir will be performing at the Trinity venue from 8 pm, with Malcolm Whittell at the piano and organ,
and Nick Cabot and Hugh Lincé as conductors.

‘The concert will start with Jersey Island Singers filling the wonderful original “choir area” of Ebenezer and Concordia singing from the gallery,’ said Nick. ‘The concert will be one of continual surprises as carols old and new will fill the church from all angles.’

Entry is free of charge but there will be a retiring collection to raise money for the Maison des Landes Hotel, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

‘The work of the Jersey Lions Club and Maison des Landes Hotel has probably touched every single person in the Island. We hope that we can raise a significant sum to aid that work,’ said Nick.

It was in the mid-1960s that the newly formed Jersey Lions Club adopted a small guesthouse as an ongoing project. Owner Elizabeth Ashton-Edwards and her late husband, Henry, had opened their home, Maison des Landes, a cottage on a smallholding at Les Landes, to disabled visitors. With funding raised from a number of events, the hotel was formally opened for guests in April 1967.

It has been extended considerably since then and and can now cater for up to 40 guests, with each room equipped for disabled visitors and their carers.

The hotel is open from April to October. For more information call 481683 or email contact@maisondeslandes.co.uk.

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