Jersey’s first Red Cross shop opens for business

THE first British Red Cross charity shop in Jersey was officially opened last night.

Opening the shop in Queen Street, the Bailiff, Sir Philip Bailhache, said that he hoped it would be successful in raising substantial funds for the organisation and make an important contribution to the very valuable humanitarian work carried out by the Red Cross in many parts of the world, wherever there was the need.

Sir Philip said that there could be few people who had not heard of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent and their ability to move rapidly and efficiently to provide relief in disaster areas. He added: ‘The humanitarian tradition and the determination to help people in crisis without regard to politics, religion or ethnic origin are facets of the Red Cross with which we in Jersey, with our multi-cultural community and long-established and sturdy independence, can readily identify.’

Lady Bailhache cut the ribbon outside the shop, which was due to open for business at 10 am today. Head of training Sue Azzopardi said that it had long been the charity’s mission to set up a shop in Jersey – similar to the one in Guernsey – which last year had been the highest fund-raiser of the charity’s outlets in the UK.

• Picture: From left: Marc Yates, president of Jersey Red Cross; Karl Fitzpatrick, driver; Tanya Crow, assistant manager, and Toni Creedy, manager. Picture by Jon Guegan (00603312)

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