Coronavirus: Islanders issued with new advice as outbreak spreads

Coronavirus: Islanders issued with new advice as outbreak spreads

Public Health England has updated its list of ‘category one’ countries from which people are asked to self-isolate for 14 days on their return. Jersey follows the advice of PHE.

The list now includes Iran, 12 northern Italian towns, the whole of mainland China and the South Korea.

A helpline ā€“ 445566 ā€“ is available for anybody in Jersey who is concerned that they may have symptoms of coronavirus.

The line is open between 8.30am and 11pm. Islanders who contact the number outside of these times, or who phone and the line is busy, can leave a message and their call will be returned.

Consultant microbiologist, Dr Ivan Muscat, said: ‘Our clinicians are working hard to prevent the spread of coronavirus, and we can all play our part by following advice. We should self-isolate where appropriate, call the helpline and not turn up unannounced at the GPā€™s surgery or Emergency Department, and practice basic hygiene.

‘Washing hands regularly, ensuring surface and touch-surface hygiene, and using tissues when we cough and sneeze plays a critical role in minimising the spread of viruses like this.’

Meanwhile students at a school in Guernsey have been sent home after they returned from a school trip from northern Italy. At least one child is showing relevant symptoms and is now being tested for the virus, officials say.

A decision was made to send the students home from Guernsey Grammar School after the advice was issued by PHE.

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