GALLERY: Thousands enjoy a flavour of the Island’s country life

Organised by the Royal Jersey Horticultural and Agricultural Society (RJAHS), the show had something for everyone including the first public appearance of the JEP’s life-size Jepson the bear.

When he wasn’t being mobbed by his young fans, Jepson was busy promoting the JEP’s Keep Jersey Farming campaign.

He also helped members of the Jersey Young Farmers Club pull a tractor across the Island on Saturday to raise money for charity.

Meanwhile, vintage tractors, the Island’s summer flower show and a parade of Shetland ponies kept visitors entertained. There was also a small-animal marquee, birds of prey and beekeepers.

Following the torrential downpours on Friday, Ian Mitchell, president of the RJAHS, said he was delighted that the weather, in the end, was perfect.

‘The show was wonderful and it fulfilled everything that the countryside and country people contribute to the Island and Jersey’s way of life by offering an event where whole families could come and enjoy our rural life in its widest sense,’ he said.

In the cattle ring the judges chose Anson May Anemone from Tom Perchard’s Anson Herd of La Ferme in St Martin as the Island’s Champion Cow 2015, while St Peter dairy farmer John James Le Fuevre’s Elite JJ Sultan Snowdrop was named Champion Heiffer.

In total, 13 breeders entered cows in the show.

The RJAHS hall was the scene of the flower and cake show and for the first time, the Jersey Rosarians Rose and Flower Show Awards 2015.

The top prize and the Kleinwort-Benson Silver Cup for best rose went, along with five other prizes, to Graham Quérée for his weeping rose.

Other prizes went to floral arrangements on the theme of the Battle of Waterloo, while the children’s theme was Alice in Wonderland.

Evie Le Feuvre was awarded the De La Mare Perpetual Challenge Cup in the nine to 12 years section for her Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.

Islanders of all ages enjoyed last years show

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