5 ways Stephen Hawking’s name will live on

Stephen Hawking’s intellectual prowess was an inspiration to many, resulting in a number of things being named after him.

Here’s a selection of ways the great theoretical physicist’s name will live on, outside of his huge body of academic work.

1. Asteroid 7672 Hawking

Asteroid 7672 was discovered in October 1995, one of thousands to be named after notable people.

It is located on the main asteriod belt between Jupiter and Mars.

2. The Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication

Medal categories include films and entertainment, science writing, music and arts.

Previous recipients include Neil deGrasse Tyson and the sitcom The Big Bang Theory.

3. A categorising index for the world’s most unread books

(David Parry/PA )
(David Parry/PA )

As Hawking’s A Brief History of Time is famously one of the world’s most widely bought but unread books, Ellenberg named the theory after him.

4. Academic buildings

(PA Graphics)
(PA Graphics)

A primary school in Tower Hamlets, London was also named after Hawking in 1996 with his blessing. The Stephen Hawking school educates children with severe or profound learning difficulties.

5. The Stephen Hawking Foundation

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