Blue whale skeleton replaces Dippy at the Natural History Museum and the internet is giddy with joy

So it has finally happened – Dippy the Diplodocus has been replaced by a blue whale skeleton named Hope at the Natural History Museum in London after the replica dinosaur vacated the place last year.

After six months of refurbishments, the museum’s Hintze Hall is reopening to the public on July 14 to showcase its latest attraction.

But the museum went ahead, and now, the famous fossil will be going on a nationwide tour of museums and galleries.

Meanwhile, the internet appeared to be pretty excited about the museum’s newest resident attraction.

Unlike Dippy, who is a replica, many were impressed by the fact that Hope is the real deal (no offence, Dippy).

The blue whale is the largest known animal on Earth.

After coming close to extinction, the animal became protected under international law in 1966, after which the blue whale population slowly began to increase.

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