Eight apartments and ‘commercial facilities’ planned for office site

REF:00197431 Strachan Services Ltd , Ingouville House , Ingouville Lane PICTURE : TONY PIKE (BUILDINGS)

Daniel Entwhistle has submitted a planning application for Ingouville House on Ingouville Lane – opposite NatWest International’s Bath Street offices – to create eight two-bedroom apartments with ‘commercial facilities’ on the ground floor.

Only a handful of documents have so far been made available but plans appear to show that a bar could be opened on the bottom floor.

If plans are given the go-ahead, the development would join a number of others in the area including the nearby 169-apartment Ann Court project, Le Masurier’s Bath Street complex and Dandara’s 48-flat Hilary Street site.

Meanwhile, proposals to turn the former Channel 103 studios into apartments have been refused after the plans were described as ‘poor quality’ which would be ‘detrimental to the area’.

Valleyside, the company which lodged the Tunnell Street application, had hoped to construct an extra floor on the existing building and construct five one-bedroom and three two-bedroom flats with parking. There is already one apartment on the site.

The radio station moved out of the building into new studios at Brittania Place in Bath Street earlier this year.

However, planning officers refused Valleyside’s application, saying that although the proposed apartments were in an ideal site adjacent to the Millennium Town Park the design was substandard.

‘The application site benefits from being a sustainable town centre location where the adopted development plan supports new housing,’ a report said.

‘By way of the poor-quality design the proposal would be harmful to the amenity of the occupants of the adjacent dwellings and would provide poor-quality living conditions to the future residents of the proposal.

‘The proposed parking arrangements are poorly designed and there is inadequate cycle parking, no motorcycle parking is proposed and there are no facilities for electric vehicle charging points. No waste recycling facilities are proposed.’

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