Islanders join forces in hunt to find runaway Jack Russell

Islanders join forces in hunt to find runaway Jack Russell

Approximately 30 people have helped Debbie Wood, who is searching for Winston, an eight-year-old dog, which went missing on Sunday.

Mrs Wood’s husband posted a message on the Jersey Dog Forum Facebook group asking people for assistance.

A group of volunteers checked the hedgerows in the area on Monday in case Winston had been hit by a car.

Mrs Wood said her dog went missing on Sunday at around 1.45 pm while she was walking him. She fears he went into one of the rabbit burrows in the dunes between La Pulente and Le Braye and became stuck.

‘It isn’t unusual for him to sometimes run off and chase rabbits around the sand dunes, but it’s unusual for him not to come back out, so now I am scared that he is stuck,’ said Mrs Wood.

‘If I think about it for too long I feel like I will just burst into tears.

‘Everyone has been incredible and I am so grateful to all the people who showed up to help – especially JJ Gallagher, who has been organising the search for Winston.’

Mr Gallagher, who also owns a Jack Russell, called Sammie, said that he was hopeful they would find Winston.

‘I think he [Winston] may have gone too far into a burrow and got stuck. It isn’t uncommon to hear of small dogs getting stuck in rabbit burrows and then escaping after a week when they lose a bit of weight and can wriggle out again.

‘There was a case last year when a dog escaped after being stuck underground somewhere in Scotland for weeks – so there is hope.

‘We used my dog Sammie to sniff around all the burrows in the area to try to eliminate as many as possible and we are confident that we have whittled his location down to two or three burrows, so the next step will be to use a metal detector to try and pick up his collar.’

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