Knife crime in Jersey very rare, say police

Knife crime in Jersey very rare, say police

Darren McKeegans (27) was jailed for eight years by the Royal Court on Monday for stabbing and throttling the man and assaulting two others during a 15-minute spell of violence.

He was initially charged with attempted murder, which he denied, and later pleaded guilty to the lesser offence of grave and criminal assault.

In a statement released after the sentencing, the States police moved to reassure Islanders that knife crime in Jersey is rare, and said that work is under way to further reduce rates of the offence.

The force said: ‘The motive for this attack was never established and in addition to the physical injuries sustained, from which the victim has yet to fully recover, he also continues to suffer significant emotional stress from this incident, which has also affected his whole family.

‘The States of Jersey Police, and in particular the investigation team and witness care unit, would like to express their thanks to the victim and his family for their support during this traumatic investigation.

‘We would also like to take this opportunity to remind the public that knife crime is still very rare in Jersey and that ongoing partnership work will aim to continue to reduce this still further.

‘We hope this sentencing sends a strong message that the carrying of a knife in public or the criminal use of a knife remains completely unacceptable and that those who do so will be arrested and dealt with by the full powers of the law.’

During the sentencing hearing, the court heard that McKeegans attacked his three victims during a party at Leslie Sinel Court on 1 October. He assaulted the first victim – who he stabbed so hard the knife broke – after telling him: ‘You’re as dodgy as they come.’

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