Ban lifted for registry’s only plane

Earlier this month, the Director of Civil Aviation for the Channel Islands suspended the airworthiness certificate of the aircraft – a Cessna private jet – after the UK firm which supplied specialist technical support to the registry unexpectedly ceased trading.

The suspension was required under the Air Navigation (Jersey) Law.

Assistant Economic Development Minister Murray Norton, who has political responsibility for the project, said that the development was a ‘technical issue’ beyond the control of the department.

He added that the aircraft was undergoing maintenance in the UK and was therefore unaffected by the flight ban, which lasted for about a week.

The Economic Development Department has since secured a new service provider – French company Regio Lease – on a temporary six-month basis. It then plans to appoint a new long-term service provider.

The flight ban was the latest problem to hit the registry which cost more than £800,000 to launch two years ago and by earlier this year had brought in less than £12,000 in registration fees.

The department has not been actively marketing the registry and is currently working on developing a new business model for the venture.

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