Wedding dress-down day for Pride parade

Liberate, the Channel Islands’ equality and diversity charity, has organised the event to mark the introduction of equal-marriage legislation as well as to raise funds for the annual parade, which is in its third year.

Paddy Haversham-Quaid, from Liberate, said: ‘This year, we will see equal-marriage legislation introduced across the Channel Islands. Guernsey already have it and Jersey’s law should be in place by the end of the year.

‘To celebrate this change, we are encouraging workplaces to dress down on Friday on the theme of weddings to raise funds for Pride 2017 – a completely free public event.’

Anyone who takes part in the dress-down day is urged to share their
photos on social media with the hashtag #IDo.

This year’s Pride parade will set off from West’s Centre at 2.30 pm and end at the Weighbridge, where there will be stalls and entertainment until 10 pm.

For more information about Pride and the dress-down day log on to or

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