Jersey RFC are hot to Tot

Tom Wilson showing signs of a hard fought battle in the post team huddle Picture: ANDY WALES

MYLES Landick declared there will be “no let up” after Jersey RFC beat Tottonians on Saturday, and will now push to finish their league season in the winning style they have enjoyed all season.

After the high of being crowned Regional 2 South Central champions at St Peter last weekend, and securing back-to-back promotions, there was a curiosity in how the side would re-settle, and the amateur outfit endured a tight tussle in heavily changeable conditions to win 24-17.

Club stalwart hooker Jack Macfarlane grabbed a brace, with winger Bevan Biggs and captain Evan Whitson both scoring one apiece as Landick’s side continued their unbeaten away form this season. Head coach Landick said: “I’m very happy, it’s a very difficult place to come and play, a nice big wind with us in the first half and against us in the second.

“Our defensive display was outstanding at times, they were

difficult conditions to play in, which meant we defended for long periods and that was really pleasing.

“There were a fair few skill errors from both sides, which coughed up possession to each team, and the ball was changing hands quite a lot.

“But the amount of times Tottonians were in our five-metre line and didn’t get through was fantastic, so I’m happy with the away win.”

Jersey’s win continues their target of finishing the league with more than 100 league points, and means they have picked up 20 try-scoring bonus points over as many fixtures this season.

In terms of how the squad came down to earth between securing the title and getting ready to visit Water Lane for the first time in ten years, Landick added: “Credit to the players, I couldn’t believe the intensity of the session on Tuesday night, it was almost like nothing had happened and we were still on to win the league.

“We’ve got the Siam Cup to come, Witney away, Chinnor in a friendly at home, so there’s still many fixtures to tick the box with, and ultimately we’ve got to keep kicking on ahead of the Siam Cup.”

Tottonians meanwhile showed why they are deserving of their third placing in the league, and Landick continued: “We gave away too many penalties in the first half, our message was to ice the break down, fill the field, and get off the line and make our shots in the second half.

“One hundred per cent, its a really tough place to go away from home, you can see that in the physicality there was. Most teams pride themselves on winning at home, but for us to win every away game, and we’ve got one left, hopefully we can end the season on another high.”

The win also saw Jack Macfarlane extend his try tally to 28 this campaign, and on the individual performances, Landick added: “Bevan Biggs has been pretty outstanding all season.

Everyone’s skill level is just increasing all the time, which is absolutely fantastic, and no one is getting left behind, everyone is stepping up to the plate, and that’s nice to see.

“Evan Whitson’s try was deserved as we got into the ascendancy from some really good rolling mauls, and scored off a couple of those, a couple from decent distances as well.

“And credit to Jack, we’ve got to get the ball in the right area of the line-out to win it, his throwing skills are fantastic so he deserves his two tries. And it felt like a full 15-man performance to get the win.”

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