CI v Hampshire returns

Matt Parkman pictured at L'Ancresse in 2018, the last time Channel Islands played against Hampshire Picture: Gareth Le Prevost

FOLLOWING a five-year hiatus, the Channel Islands vs Hampshire fixture is back on the cards for Jersey’s best male golfers.

The mainland county are renowned as being one of the strongest sides in the land, and the Island’s men’s golf captain, Chris Young, has called the opportunity to play them ‘fantastic.’

Fresh off the back of hosting the Jersey Golf Foursomes, the Royal Jersey lays in wait to test the top four from Jersey and Guernsey in a two-day event, which includes four foursomes matches tomorrow afternoon and eight singles on Sunday.

Young said: ‘Fixtures like this are so important to us as a squad.

‘You always want to test yourself against the best and the pedigree of the Hampshire side speaks for itself.

‘All four of the Jersey lads played last weekend in the foursomes championship at the same venue, so that can only bode well ahead of this match.

‘We will have home advantage and even the Guernsey players will know the course well from inter-insulars gone by.

‘That will be big for us and we know that we will have to make it count early on Saturday to be in with a good chance of bringing home the win the following day.

‘We also have the rare opportunity of teaming up with Guernsey, which is nice. Normally we are scrapping it out with them, but to play together will be a nice feeling as it has been a while.’

On the Jersey side, recent foursomes winner and multiple Island champion Matt Parkman with be joined by 2021 Island champion Richard Ramskill, 2022 order of merit runner up Josh Ozard and 2022 Island strokeplay champion James Draisey.

Meanwhile, Hampshire are led by former professional Stuart Archibald, who has made an immediate impact back on the amateur golf scene and English Mid-Am winner Martin Young.

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