From August, players receiving a yellow card for back-chat will also be handed a ten-minute ban from the field of play, with the 2017 Charity Cup set to be the first competition to benefit.
The JFC is one of 35 leagues across England chosen for the pilot as FA chiefs attempt to rid the game of ill-discipline, and the laws could be upgraded to incorporate professional football within two years.
‘It’s quite an honour to be selected, because we’re now at the forefront of change,’ said Combination president Charlie Browne, a multiple winner of Jersey’s Referee of the Year award.
‘If I’m frank, we’re going into the unknown, but we’re very excited by it. There is still a battle with discipline and hopefully this will help it improve.’
In 1998 the Jersey FA became the first association in world football to introduce a ten-yard rule, with the backing of Fifa. Free-kicks were moved forward ten yards if a decision was disputed and after a successful trial the rule was adopted by the Premier League. However, it was infrequently used and was eventually ditched.
Full story in Wednesday’s JEP.