Why people are discussing what they’d do if their wife turned into a lizard

Why people are discussing what they’d do if their wife turned into a lizard

When a conservative Christian blogger wrote a tweet comparing transitioning with becoming a reptile, Twitter users were on hand to set him straight.

Matt Walsh wrote about his marriage and how it would change if his wife “turned into a man” or even “turned into a lizard”.

His controversial tweet was in response to a thread by comedian Avery Edison on defining relationships between trans and cis-gender people.

Although open and honest discussion around how a partner transitioning affects a relationship is normal, most responses to Walsh’s tweet took issue with comparing trans men and women with lizards.

Users talked about the serious effect that dehumanising tweets like this have on the mental health of trans people.

Others took a different angle to show their distaste for his comments.

Some even suggested how Walsh may reverse his wife’s fortunes.

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