Chinese student subjected to ‘coronavirus-linked race hate attack’

Chinese student subjected to ‘coronavirus-linked race hate attack’

An MSP has condemned a “disgusting” attack on a Chinese student, said to be a coronavirus-related hate crime.

The incident happened in Dumbarton Road in Glasgow on March 5.

Glasgow Live reported the student had their clothes torn by three people shouting “coronavirus”.

Sandra White
MSP Sandra White condemned the attack (Andrew Milligan/PA)

“To attack an innocent person in the street for no other reason than sheer ignorance is utterly appalling.”

She added: “Hate crime is unacceptable in modern day Scotland. This is a time when we need to be supporting each other, not attacking one another.

“I sincerely hope this is an isolated case and would encourage anyone who has been a victim of hate crime or anyone who has witnessed hate crime to report it to Police Scotland immediately.”

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “We are investigating following the report of racial abuse on Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, around 9am on Thursday March 5 2020. Inquires are ongoing.”

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