PICTURES: Wild weather

Rocks at Grève de Lecq are battered by waves Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (34992839)

The storms that battered the Island this week brought blustery winds, driving rain, hail and sunshine in the space of a few hours. JEP photographer David Ferguson went out in the elements to capture the wildness out west.

Pinnacle Rock, in the north-west, under dark skies Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (34992787)
Sea mist at Corbière Lighthouse Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (34992808)
A winter swell rolls in at Grève de Lecq Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (34992863)
Sunlight breaks through the clouds above the west coast Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (34992867)
Waves in St Brelade’s Bay Picture: DAVID FERGUSON (34994572)
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