More than 1,000 dog owners yet to renew licences

Dog walker near Pontac slipway Picture: ROB CURRIE. (39718696)

OVER a thousand dog owners have yet to renew their dog licences, it emerged yesterday.

Islanders are being reminded that they need to renew dog licences before the end of the month to avoid a late-payment charge.

Licences cost £10 per dog, but the charge doubles if owners fail to renew licences by the 31 January deadline.

Renewals can be completed either online, or at the parish hall for paper applications.

According to the Comité des Connétable, 6,700 licences had been renewed so far this year, leaving 1,200 (15%) left to renew.

Comité chairman Mike Jackson said email reminders with a link to renew went out to owners who used the online service last year.

“Owners should check their emails, including the junk box, for this link,” he said.

Parishes are also reminding Islanders of their duty to clean up after their dogs in all public areas, and that dogs must be kept under proper control, and “not cause a nuisance to other beach users and must not worry livestock or be dangerous”.

The JEP reported this month that a dog walker picked up over 100 dog poos in one day left by owners while on a walk between Les Landes and Grosnez, including some left on a section of path she had cleared just an hour earlier, with many Islanders reacting with disgust and calling for action against irresponsible dog owners.

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