“NOT since the dark days of June 1940 when the whole of the population of Alderney left their island home to seek refuge in England from the advancing Nazis, has this three-square-mile Channel Island been the scene of such misfortune as has now befallen it through the foot-and-mouth epidemic.”
So opened the lead story on the front page of the Evening Post on 15 January 1958. It was the latest report in the paper about the ongoing spread of the disease which was proving to be devastating to the island’s farmers.
The day before, the EP had reported on how Alderney’s biggest herd of 50 head of cattle, owned by Mr E J Burland of Old Mill Farm, had had to be destroyed. Hard on this came news of yet another outbreak, this time at Le Brecque where eight cows owned by Edgar Allen were destroyed. The latest outbreak was the eighth in six days…
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