IT seems slightly odd, counter-intuitive, that Cheyenne O’Connor would say that she wouldn’t change anything about her life.
This is a woman who was sexually abused by her grandfather as a young girl, his crimes covered up by her father. A person, now aged 32, who was sent to prison when, as a 16-year-old, her rage boiled over and she took a paedophile’s eye out with a stiletto. That was back in 2009, before she was known for her work as a paedophile hunter, a champion for survivors of sexual abuse and a community leader from the wrong side of town.
The JEP report of the Royal Court sentencing hearing at which she and her two co-accused, another 16-year-old girl and a 22-year-old man, were sent down paints a graphic picture of the attack, which the judge, Sir Philip Bailhache, described as “gratuitous and appalling”. ..
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