Dog walker ‘disgusted’ after picking up 114 poos on north coast

Dog mess found on the north coast. Picture: Lou Wagstaff. (39617459)

A DOG walker has reacted with “disgust” after picking up over 100 dog poos in one day left by owners on a stretch of the north coast.

Lou Wagstaff, a dog sitter and walker, said she had to use three rolls of poo bags to collect the 114 pieces of excrement that she came across while on a walk between Les Landes and Grosnez over the festive period, including on a section of path she had cleared just an hour earlier.

Ms Wagstaff, who took to social media to share her concerns, is a member of the Wild Poo Project which was set up in June by members of the Jersey Dog Forum Facebook page along with local dog-walking company Spotted Wellies.

Those taking part in the initiative are encouraged to help pick up dog poo to keep the Island’s beauty spots clean. They are asked to take a photo of how much dog waste they collect and post it on The Wild Poo Project Facebook group.

Posting a photo, Ms Wagstaff said she was “disgusted” at the amount of dog mess left by “irresponsible dog walkers”.

“So much for a lovely morning walk,” she added.

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