Toilet closures lead to legal action against owners of former restaurant

NUDE DUNES Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (38943303)

LEGAL action is being taken against the owners of the former Nude Dunes restaurant site at La Pulente for failing to make the public toilets available for regular use, it has emerged.

Infrastructure Minister Andy Jehan told the States Assembly that officers were meeting next week to discuss the matter, having been advised by the liquidator that no funds were available to open and operate the public toilets.

He said the facilities had been open “sporadically over the course of this summer”.

“I understand the company which owns the former New Dunes restaurant at La Pulente has gone into liquidation and that the handling of claims against the companies is with the liquidator. Under instruction from Jersey Property Holdings, litigation has commenced against the company for failure to operate the toilets for regular use by the general public,” he said.

Last November, the founders of Nude Food confirmed the closure of the restaurant, which had opened five months earlier following a lengthy project to convert what was previously a toilet block.

Questioned by Deputy Jonathan Renouf, the minister said he could not confirm whether or not the toilets at La Pulente had been opened for the recent filming of an episode of Bergerac but he accepted that use of the site came with a legal obligation to open the public toilets for agreed hours.

“What I am aware of is that there’s a meeting scheduled for next week, so hopefully I’ll be able to update Members following that meeting,” Mr Jehan said.

Islanders recently protested at the site against plans to turn it into self-catering tourist accommodation.

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