Ex-honorary accused of sexual touching gave boys massages, court hears

The Royal Court. (38945051)

A TEENAGE boy has spoken of how a former honorary police officer accused of sexual offences would massage his back, legs and buttocks.

The alleged victim’s evidence, from an interview with the States police, was played in the Royal Court on the first day of the trial of 35-year-old Jamie John Le Sech.

Mr Le Sech, who served as a Constable’s Officer in St Clement, is accused of four charges of sexual touching which relate to two boys.

He is said to have massaged the boy and the other alleged victim sexually on different occasions over a three-month period. He denies the charges.

Opening the trial, Crown Advocate Carla Carvalho, prosecuting, said it was not disputed that Mr Le Sech had massaged the boys.

She said the question was whether the touching was sexual in nature.

She played the recorded interview in which the younger boy said it had happened “ten or 11 times”.

He would be undressed to his boxer shorts and would lie on his front, and Mr Le Sech would apply baby oil to his body before massaging him.

He added: “It was a bit weird. I just felt weird about it.”

The trial is due to last two more days.

Commissioner Alan Binnington is presiding with Jurats Jane Ronge and Karen Le Cornu.

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