Rare bat found in Rozel shower room

Nyctalus Leisleri (Leisler's Bat). Picture: Jersey Bat Group. (38913440)

A RARE bat has been found in Jersey – in the shower room of a home in Rozel.

The Nyctalus Leisleri, or Leisler’s Bat, was not moving when it was discovered and so the concerned homeowner brought it to Jersey Bat Group’s rehabilitation centre to be looked after.

It is only the second confirmed sighting of the species in the Island, and the first for over two decades.

Nyctalus Leisleri (Leisler’s Bat). Picture: Jersey Bat Group. (38913458)

The bat, which is around four times the size of the more common Pipistrellus pipistrelleus, was given rehydration fluid and meal worms at the centre to help nurse it back to health.

The bat has eaten well, “been flight tested” and was due to be released yesterday evening “weather permitting”, according to the group.

Jersey Bat Group said it was “always grateful to people who call in grounded bats as we can often save them”.

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