Government and retailer combine to launch a lunchbox-themed healthy-eating campaign

The initiative is a partnership between Public Health and the Coop (38894675)

A HEALTHY-EATING initiative has been launched by the government in an attempt to help parents and carers pack nutritious lunchboxes for their children.

The Lunchbox Heroes campaign is a partnership between Public Health and the Channel Islands Coop.

As part of the initiative, signage has been introduced in all Coop stores in Jersey to highlight foods recommended by Public Health dietitians.

Public Health director Professor Peter Bradley said: “We hope that this initiative, along with already established healthy eating programmes including school meals and Food4Thought, will support families whose schools are not yet offering hot school meals or who prefer to send their children with a lunchbox.”

He added: “We are also working with our Public Health colleagues and CI Coop in Guernsey to extend this initiative to shops in the other islands.”

Perushani Augustine, commercial delivery manager at the CI Coop, said: “We hope that our healthy lunchbox solutions will make life a little easier for parents and carers, and ensure their little heroes are looked after.”

Additional resources include shopping lists, recipes and videos which are available online at

They are also available on Public Health and the Coop social-media channels.

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