Jessie the wonder dog beats cancer – for the fourth time

Jessie the Jack Russell, has survived for cancer a fourth time Picture: ROB CURRIE. (38855183)

SHE may not be one of the largest dogs in Jersey, but Jessie the Jack Russell might well be the most resilient, having overcome cancer for the fourth time.

Approaching the ripe old age of 14, or well into her mid-90s in human years, Jessie has amazed her owners by bouncing back from major surgery, even when her cancer returned on the same leg.

After three previous cancer diagnoses over the past eight years, owners Paul Holt and Lola Butel were concerned that it might be an operation too far for their beloved dog and that there was a risk she could lose her leg.

“We were really worried, and she’s been put on a type of chemotherapy but then wasn’t well,” Mr Holt said. “There was a window of opportunity to have the operation, and she’s come through brilliantly.”

Jack Russell Jessie has survived cancer for a 4th time. this was our last story in 2022 – with owner Paul Holt,Picture: JON GUEGAN. (38861146)

The operation was carried out by Dr Ben Benander, of New Era Vets, who was able to send a picture of Jessie sitting up within a few minutes of waking up after the operation.

Ms Butel said: “Ben’s been brilliant. His knowledge and expertise are superb.

“We’d all been worrying, but we got the pic and there Jessie was sitting there and looking fine – she’s a tough little thing and she was home by the end of the day.”

Two months after the operation to remove a mast cell tumour, and Jessie is reported to be in good form, enjoying running around the garden of her St Helier home – and jumping in the sea whenever the opportunity arises.

Jessie’s exploits have been captured on her own Facebook page, which boasts more than 600 followers.

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