How Jersey’s first police chief caught a poisoner in 1930s Calcutta

Author Dan Morrison at Jersey Archive. Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (38725082)

MURDER by injection of plague bacteria in 1930s India sounds more like fantasy than non-fiction.

But the killing of Amarendra Chandra Pandey in a crowded Calcutta railway station did take place, and the case was solved by the man who went on to become the first chief officer of the States of Jersey Police, Henry Le Brocq.

American author Dan Morrison – a former New York crime reporter and currently deputy world editor at USA Today – first visited Jersey in 2019 to research the life of the then deputy police commissioner in charge of Calcutta’s detective department. The author has returned to the Island to speak about his book on the subject, The Prince and the Poisoner, and to gain further insights into Mr Le Brocq’s remarkable life…

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