Jersey Water to increase tariffs owing to ‘ongoing challenges’

Helier Smith (38566744)

JERSEY Water is to increase tariffs by 5.7% in 2025 – adding £26 to an average yearly bill.

The rise – which matches the current rate of inflation – equates to 7p per day and will take effect from 1 January.

For all but three of the past 20 years, Jersey Water has kept its price increases at or below RPI.

The firm says that next year’s charges reflect the “ongoing challenges of the economic climate” on its operating costs and the investment it is making in its infrastructure to safeguard future supplies.

Jersey Water is currently drawing up its new Water Resources Management Plan – a five-year strategy due to be published early next year which will outline various ways the firm hopes to increase supplies amid increasingly extreme weather.

The previous plan warned that if no action was taken, from 2045, demand would exceed supply by 8.2 million litres a day during severe drought conditions.

Speaking to the JEP last month, Helier Smith, Jersey Water’s chief executive, said various options, including a major extension to the desalination plant, were being considered.

Commenting on the 2025 tariff, Mr Smith said the utility firm remained committed to keeping increases to a minimum, adding: “Acting in the best interests of our customers is our number one priority.

“We do this by balancing the need to keep bills fair and affordable with investing in critical upgrades to our infrastructure, so that we can continue to provide a high-quality, sustainable water supply for customers today and in the future.

“Next year, we are still anticipating a 3.9% increase in our operating costs, on top of rises in contractor costs for our capital investment programme and an overall decrease in customer demand for water.

“While proportionate, 2025’s tariff will also help alleviate these costs pressures and support our capital investment programme, so we continue to maintain the highest levels of service.”

The firm said there will be no further rises before 1 January 2026.

Information about reducing water consumption and free water-saving devices are available at:

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