Islanders encouraged to help pick up dog poo and keep Jersey’s beauty spots clean.

The Wild Poo Project. (38392634)

ISLANDERS are being encouraged to help pick up dog poo and keep the Island’s beauty spots clean.

The “Wild Poo Project” has been set up by members of Facebook group Jersey Dog Forum and local dog walking company Spotted Wellies.

On the first walk of the project, Spotted Wellies walker Gail Bennie said she had collected 86 bags of dog waste left lying around the sand dunes in St Ouen’s Bay.

She told the JEP that she wanted to encourage other Islanders to do the same.

“I wanted people like me [who pick up waste regularly] to unite in one place,” she said.

“I usually pick up around 20 to 30 pieces of dog waste each day on my walks but last week was revolting.”

She added: “I was really impressed with the amount of people on the forum that did this already.

“It highlights the problem we have [with dog fouling in Jersey].”

The Wild Poo Project.

Those joining the project are asked to take a photo of how much dog waste they collect and post it on “The Wild Poo Project” Facebook group.

Ms Bennie said she hoped Islanders would be able to “enjoy Jersey’s lovely wild beauty spots” again.

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