Temperatures in Jersey could hit 25 degrees next week

Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (38374468)

TEMPERATURES could rise to 25°C on Tuesday as a period of sunnier weather sets in, even if forecasters are rather less confident about whether sun hats will be required for the second half of the week.

Although there has been little rain recently – last night’s was a temporary blip – temperatures have been below average for most of June, the Met Office said.

But while tomorrow may see clouds returning temporarily, longer sunnier periods are expected from Monday to Wednesday with temperatures of 22°C or 23°C expected to rise to 25°C on Tuesday.

According to senior forecaster Bryan de Gruchy the message was an optimistic one. “Temperatures will be closer to average for late June and it should be reasonably sunny. The story generally is a positive one over the next few days,” he said, adding that expected temperatures of around 21°C were likely to be exceeded at the start of the week.

It marks an improvement on a disappointing month: “Certainly over the last few weeks there has been cooler weather although we have had a reasonable amount of sunshine and little rainfall but temperatures haven’t really been where they should have been.”

However, Mr de Gruchy was cautious about what will happen in the second half of next week when he said more mixed conditions could set in.

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