King to give special award to the Jersey Sea Cadets

Sea Cadets Liberation Day service in Liberation Square, Re-Enactment and Cavalcade Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (38316555)

KING Charles III is to make a special award to the Jersey Sea Cadets during his visit to the Island in four weeks’ time, it has been confirmed.

The King’s Colours – usually a Union Flag, with a golden trim and the crest of the regiment in the centre – will be presented to the group as the organisation marks its 75th anniversary.

The Lieutenant-Governor, Vice-Admiral Jerry Kyd, announced the news at an anniversary reception at Government House on Saturday evening.

He said: “The Sea Cadets continues to have a tremendously positive impact on young people’s lives in Jersey and is consistently one of the most successful units in the British Isles.

“This is a significant honour and I am truly thrilled and delighted.”

The visit by King Charles and Queen Camilla on Monday 15 July, which was announced by the Deputy Bailiff, Robert MacRae, to the States Assembly last week, will be the first to the Island by a reigning monarch since Queen Elizabeth II came to Jersey in 2005.

News of the presentation came on the same day that it was confirmed that Lieutenant Ron Perchard was to be awarded the British Empire Medal after 57 years of voluntary service to the Jersey Sea Cadets.

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