Plan to demolish St Helier pub and turn it into two properties

TEMPLE BAR..Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (38272465)

A FORMER pub in the heart of St Helier will make way for two three-bedroom homes if plans are approved.

Morris Architects have applied on behalf of C Le Masurier Limited to demolish the Temple Bar in Stopford Road and replace the ground floor pub and staff flat with two semi-detached properties.

In the application, Morris Architects say the existing pub is in poor condition and would require substantial repair because of its age and the “inadequacy of the original construction”.

They claimed that the existing building fails to make a positive contribution to its environment and is at odds with the predominate character of the street.

The pub – which closed its doors to customers last year – was the location of a “brutal and calculated” revenge stabbing in December 2021. Paul Anthony Hadikin was jailed for 17 years after thrusting a blade into his victim’s abdomen following an argument.

The design statement accompanying the planning application reads: “It was felt that any new building should seek to provide a positive contribution to the immediate setting by re-engaging with both Stopford and Chevalier Road.

“This notion formed the basis of the principal design philosophy.”

The new scheme provides two three-storey residential properties facing Stopford Road with a small offset front garden and a second floor roof terrace providing “additional meaningful amenity space”.

In their heritage impact statement, Morris Architects say: “Development of the site for a beneficial economic and social purpose will represent an enhancement in general.

“By virtue of greater experiential and physical access, the significance of nearby listed buildings will be better revealed, thereby constituting an enhancement.”

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