Man (39) smashed St Helier shop window while drunk


A 39-YEAR-OLD man has admitted smashing a shop window while drunk after his DNA was found on broken shards of glass at the scene.

Rui Emanuel Oliveira De Freitas pleaded guilty to malicious damage when he appeared in the Magistrate’s Court.

St Helier Centenier Paul Huelin, prosecuting, told the court that the window of MyPad in West’s Centre was smashed on the night of 23 March.

Blood on shards of glass found at the scene contained DNA which matched De Freitas’s.

Although he pleaded guilty he said he had no recollection of the incident.

The court also heard that he had no previous convictions.

Relief Magistrate Peter Harris fined him £400 and ordered him to pay an additional £500 towards repairing the window.

He warned him: “If you come back to court any time soon there will be a very different outcome.”

He allowed De Freitas to pay the money at a rate of £200 per month.

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