Call for dog poo DNA testing in Jersey


AN Islander has called for DNA dog poo testing to be implemented in order to clamp down on irresponsible owners who don’t pick up after their pooches.

Marlena Bartus has lodged a petition calling for a dog DNA database to be created, so that thoughtless owners can be tracked down and punished if they fail to collect their pet’s waste.

In her petition, she said that this policy had already been introduced in some European cities.

She wrote: “Under Jersey law you can be fined for not picking up after your dog, but this is difficult to police. The solution is mandatory DNA testing for all dogs.

“When authorities find dog poo, a sample can be collected, tested, and cross-referenced against the DNA database to identify the owner. This law has already been introduced in Bolzano, Italy, and a similar scheme is being trialled in Béziers, France.”

In Bolzano, a northern Italian city, legislation was approved this year to create a dog DNA database that will allow any uncollected dog waste to be linked to the animal’s owner.

Under Jersey legislation, any dog owners caught not picking up after their pet can be fined up to £1,000.

The petition can be found here:

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