Woman who stole grandmother’s jewellery and cash is bound over


A WOMAN who stole money and jewellery from her grandmother wept in court as she was ordered to repay hundreds of pounds.

Deborah Paixão Gomes (35) admitted in a police interview that she had taken a box containing 1,300 euros, £600, a gold chain and a gold ring on Thursday 7 March.

When she returned it two days later, it contained only 500 euros and the gold chain, the court heard. She was arrested for larceny later that day.

During the arrest, Gomes kicked the police officer, but did not cause an injury. The court heard that it was an instinctive reaction to the officer accidentally stepping on her foot, as she was recovering from an abscess at the time.

Gomes said she did not realise she had taken the ring, which was later found by the police.

Advocate Lucy Marks, defending, said Gomes “accepts that regrettably she took items from her grandmother, but everything was returned, save for the 500 euros”.

She said that Gomes had converted the cash into pounds and spent it.

The court heard that Gomes had been dealing with “complex issues” and was being supported by a key worker and the Alcohol and Drugs Service.

Delivering the sentence, Assistant Magistrate Adam Clarke said: “As far as your grandmother is concerned, that is a serious breach of trust. This is someone who took you in and looked after you.”

Of the assault, he said: “That is a police officer acting legally in his duty being subjected to an assault.

“The court takes a very dim view of that as well. You cannot afford to be doing this.”

Gomes was told that she would need to repay £400.

She was also given a nine-month binding-over order.

The Assistant Magistrate reminded her that she could face a prison sentence if she does not repay the money.

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