Scrutiny committee sets its goals for rest of the political term

PAC members (38007843)

THE committee which scrutinises whether public funds have been used efficiently and effectively has announced its top priorities for the year.

The Public Accounts Committee has been recently reshuffled after January’s vote of no confidence which saw former Chief Minister Kristina Moore ousted.

Deputy Moore is now vice-chair of the PAC alongside chair Deputy Inna Gardiner, three other States Members, and four non-elected members.

The committee has announced that it intends to focus on the “perceived lack of benefit” for users of a new £30m Electronic Patients Records system, which aims to provide a single source of patient information available at the time and place where care is being delivered.

Comptroller and Auditor General Lynn Pamment published a report about the system in February which found that contractual negotiations took place only after the procurement stage – meaning that “the final contract that was signed did not reflect the terms and conditions notified to potential bidders”.

The PAC also intends to launch a review into the States’ Annual Reports and Accounts 2023, with the first public hearing on the matter scheduled for 5 June.

Published last week, that report found Jersey was in a “strong position in relative to other jurisdictions”, and that ex-director-general of the Health Department Caroline Landon received a £60,000 to £65,000 payment for “loss of office” when she departed suddenly in March 2023.

The PAC also plans to launch a review into the “overall procurement process” – how the government obtains or purchases goods or services – and whether this is value-for-money for both Islanders and the government, and a review into how the government deals with internal complaints.

Deputy Gardiner said: “The new members all come from such a diverse range of professional backgrounds and bring different experiences and expertise to the committee, which will be invaluable in our work.

“The committee has a ‘2024 – 2026 Work Programme’, which has been agreed on for the next six months and outlines the work we would like to achieve in the rest of the political term.

“It is a live document, which will continuously be updated as our work progresses and evolves, and it will be published.”

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