Teenager fined for riding an unroadworthy motorbike

The Magistrate's Court. Picture: ROB CURRIE (37796457)

A 17-YEAR-OLD motorcyclist with “an extremely unsettled family history” rode an unroadworthy motorbike throughout St Helier without insurance – and without giving licensing authorities his address.

The teenager, who cannot be named, was fined £150 and given a six-month probation order in the Youth Court.

Legal adviser Luisa Stewart, prosecuting, said the motorcyclist had been stopped at the junction of Phillips Street and Museum Street and was found to have faulty rear reflectors, faulty front indicators and a faulty registration lamp.

The vehicle was also uninsured and was not registered to his address.

Advocate Mike Preston, said in mitigation: “He knows that in the past he has not done himself any favours in his reactions to people in authority.”

But he added: “He has had an extremely unsettled family history. There was a lack of support and a lack of nurturing.

“This needs to be seen in the context of a very unsettled young life.”

In addition to the fine and probation order, Relief Magistrate Sarah Fitz endorsed the motorcyclist’s licence for three years.

She told him: “What we don’t want is to see you in court again.”

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