Jersey police chief warns: ‘You will be exposed’

This man, who stole a coat from a shop in town, handed himself and the coat in just hours after being featured on (37748834)

CRIMINALS caught on camera will be publicly exposed, the police chief has warned after hailing a collaboration with the JEP which resulted in three suspects handing themselves in just hours after their pictures were featured by the paper.

The men – wanted for separate crimes committed in St Helier over recent weeks – walked into the States police headquarters and asked to speak to an officer after their faces were featured on and the printed edition.

A fourth man wanted for being abusive to staff in the iQ store in Liberty Wharf was also identified but no further action is being taken.

One of the suspects – a 48-year-old wanted for using and attempting to use a lost or stolen credit card – handed himself in after his boss saw the photo. He is now due to be dealt with at a parish hall inquiry.

This man, who was abusive towards staff at the iQ store, was identified hours after being featured on (37748832)

A 59-year-old who stole a £200 Hugo Boss coat from De Gruchy department store turned up at police headquarters – along with the coat – after his friends spotted his picture on the JEP’s website. His case will also be dealt with at parish-hall level.

And a 31-year-old man seen on CCTV kicking in a window of a café following a night out came forward and was interviewed under caution. He is now due to appear in the Magistrate’s Court.

This man has been questioned by the police after allegedly kicking in a window at a cafe in St Helier (37748319)

Police chief Robin Smith has expressed his gratitude to the JEP and emphasised the importance of working collaboratively with the media to tackle crime and maintain public safety.

He said he was also thankful for the community’s involvement and stated that Islanders are “our eyes and ears” and have played a valuable part in helping to bring the suspects to justice.

“The fact that in most of these cases, friends and colleagues spotted them either online or in the newspaper and told them about it, I think really helps,” he said.

This man handed himself in after using a lost or stolen credit card to buy food (37748836)

“To be told by those you know that the police want to speak to you must cause some form of embarrassment or shock, and last week everyone featured came to the police station to speak to an officer about the incident they had been involved in.

“This success should serve as a clear message to those who may be engaging in criminal activities that if they are breaking the law, they may find themselves featured in the newspaper or online with their image circulated for all to see. The prospect of being publicly identified should serve as a deterrent to criminal behaviour, as it not only risks legal repercussions but also the social consequences of having friends, family or colleagues become aware of their actions.”

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