JOA seeking young person for UN role


JERSEY Overseas Aid is looking to recruit a young Islander to become the Island’s fifth United Nations junior professional officer.

Based in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, the paid role will see a Jersey resident employed for two years as an associate external relations officer by the UN’s refugee agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

They will support the External Relations Unit, in Cox’s Bazar and Dhaka, with the design and implementation of an external engagement strategy, and contribute to outreach activities, in particular towards a wide range of stakeholders, partners and donors.

They will assist in the development, drafting and distribution of reports, briefing notes, and background material, and liaise with technical units, partners and key stakeholders.

Islanders Faye Coggins, who was based in Cox’s Bazar, and Johnny Rebours, who was in Tyre, Lebanon, completed their placements earlier this year and both are now employed by UN agencies.

Faye is an executive assistant to the Bangladesh Representative and Johnny is a project development and reporting officer with the International Organisation for Migration in Beirut.

Applicants should be aged between 25 and 35 and have a degree and three years’ relevant experience. For more information visit

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