Former classroom corn snake ssseeks new home

Mr Sirloin Gilbert, Highlands' retired teaching snake Picture: JSPCA Animals Shelter (37725216)

A ONCE “feisty” snake who turned his life around and embarked on a brief but successful teaching career is now looking for his forever home.

Mr Sirloin Gilbert – a brown and orange corn snake – was taken into the JSPCA Animals’ Shelter as a stray five years ago.

He was rehomed with an Islander and for the past year has been Highlands College’s “education snake” – but has now taken early retirement.

Describing Mr Sirloin Gilbert’s journey from stray to tutor, the JSPCA said: “Mr Sirloin Gilbert originally came in as a stray snake back in 2019. He was a feisty snake but found a home with a gentleman who was able to tame him into the gentle snake he is today.

“For the past academic year, Mr Gilbert has been Highlands’ education snake, being handled, weighed and examined by students weekly. He is now finished teaching and is looking for his forever home. Because of his gentle nature he will be a great first snake.”

Anyone interested in rehoming Mr Sirloin Gilbert is asked to visit the shelter on St Saviour’s Road.

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